Etienne Posted November 25, 2019 Report Posted November 25, 2019 Salut,petite "blague" Allemande reçue cette semaine pour nos planeurs Francisés parfois depuis plus de 8 ans...La Bundesnetzagentur (organisme qui s'occupe des radios en Allemagne) nous a envoyé des factures de 35€ par an par planeur n'ayant pas radié sa LSA Allemande.Et radier un planeur du registre Allemand ne radie pas la LSA!! Les organismes sont indépendants (et on se plain de notre administration française...).Il faut envoyer la LSA originale avec demande de radiation (en Anglais) car plus d'usage (préciser passage sous immatriculation Française).L'adresse : Außenstelle EschbornDLZ 4Elly-Beinhorn-Str. 265760 EschbornAllemagne A ne pas oublier dans la procédure de francisation... Sinon, on peux quand même leur poser des questions en Anglais : poststelle@bnetza.deRéponse rapide et efficace. Là par contre, je ne sais pas si l’administration Française ferait de même en Anglais...Bons vols Quote mes photos aéro sur Parceque le ciel est merveilleux Pour que voler soit toujours un plaisir
MANU Posted November 26, 2019 Report Posted November 26, 2019 J'ai reçu le même courrier pour le Pégase (immatriculé en D- ) que j'ai vendu en 2013 ! Quote Si on enlevait l'air du ciel, tous les oiseaux tomberaient par terre . ... Et les avions aussi . JC VanDamme Poète belge
JMD Posted November 26, 2019 Report Posted November 26, 2019 En fait, cette administration allemande se fout du monde! Quand ils disent qu'ils sont indépendants du LBA, c'est factuellement un mensonge: c'est bien le LBA qui leur a communiqué l'adresse du nouveau propriétaire français (puisque nous avons reçu le courrier de réclamation), Je ne vois donc pas pourquoi le LBA ne leur communiquerait pas l'information de radiation du registre allemand en cas de francisation. Bref, des bandits... Quote
pfassin Posted November 27, 2019 Report Posted November 27, 2019 Et vous avez l'intention de payer?? Quote
Etienne Posted November 27, 2019 Author Report Posted November 27, 2019 Je n'ai pas l'intention de tenter la plus value pour retard et frais de recouvrements dont la facture menace en cas de refus...Après, tu peux jouer... Sans moi! Quote mes photos aéro sur Parceque le ciel est merveilleux Pour que voler soit toujours un plaisir
ptitjuVM Posted November 27, 2019 Report Posted November 27, 2019 (edited) Et on a une idée de jusquà quand il remonte ? Genre un planeur radié dans les années 90 on risque de se taper une vingtaine dannées à raquer ? Edited November 27, 2019 by ptitjuVM Quote
Etienne Posted November 27, 2019 Author Report Posted November 27, 2019 A priori les LSA allemandes finissent par expirer si pas renouvelées. Donc ça limite la casse.Je n'ai eu "que" 2 ans de rattrapage sur 2 planeurs (années 2015 et 2016). (Radiés du registres en 2011 et 2013...) Quote mes photos aéro sur Parceque le ciel est merveilleux Pour que voler soit toujours un plaisir
XLima Posted November 28, 2019 Report Posted November 28, 2019 (edited) Bonjour, Et vous avez essayé de les contacter pour tenter de leur expliquer la nature du problème ? Parce que les menaces de plus value et frais de recouvrement n'ont aucun effet.......Si vous acceptez leur racket sans rien dire, ils auraient bien tort de se priver. Edited November 28, 2019 by XLima Quote
pfassin Posted November 28, 2019 Report Posted November 28, 2019 Je leur ai écit: voici leur réponse thank you for sending a mail to the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur). The mail has been forwarded to me. The invoice that you’ve received contains the annual fees for the years 2015 and 2016 for the Frequency Assignment (Aircraft Station Licence) 19453935 for the aircraft signed D-KDVS. According to German law the Bundesnetzagentur is allowed to send out invoices for 2016 until the 31st of December 2020. It makes no difference if or when you have been the holder of the aircraft. Please note that there is no relation between the Federal Aviation Office (LBA) and the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur). The obligation to pay fees only depends on the existing of the Aircraft Station Licence, all bills are sent to the owner of the assignment. The obligation doesn't depend on the existing or the holdership of the aircraft, the existing of the Registration Mark, the usage of the radio equipment or other changes. Once an Aircraft Station Licence is issued, it is valid until it expires, until the owner asks for cancellation or until it is revoked by the Federal Network Agency. Your Aircraft Station Licence 19453935 (D-KDVS) had been cancelled on 15th of November 2017 after we have received an information that you don't need the Aircraft Station Licence any longer. We have sent out a confirmation of the cancellation by letter, a subsequent cancelation is not allowed. You'll receive an invoice for the annual fees for the year 2017 (only January to November) until the 31st of December 2021. Your invoice is still valid. For your information the international banking information: BIC: MARKDEF1590IBAN: DE81 5900 0000 0059 0010 20Purpose: 901190286368Amount: 81,31 € If I need the help of foreign authorities to enforce the invoice, the amount to pay could increase. There will be also more fees for delay and reminding added to the amount. I’m sorry but there is valid law which is binding for me and you: - The wording of the Telecommunications Act says: "The frequency assignment shall expire upon relinquisment. Relinquisment is to be declared to the Federal Network Agency in writing, with the exact designation of the frequency assignment being stated".- The “Verordnung über Beiträge zum Schutz einer störungsfreien Frequenznutzung“ says that a subsequent cancelation is not allowed.- In your Frequency Assignment was also written that Frequency Assignments that are no longer used have to be returned immediately by written declaration.- There is no rule that says that a frequency assignment becomes canceled if an aircraft is sold or deregistered.- According to German law the Bundesnetzagentur is allowed to send out invoices for 2015 until the 31st of December 2019. You can look up the rules in the following laws and regulations: - Telekommunikationsgesetz (TKG): Gesetz über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Betriebsmitteln: Verordnung über Beiträge zum Schutz einer störungsfreien Frequenznutzung: You'll find additional information regarding to annual fees here: If you have additional questions, please let me know this. Sincerely yours In order of the president Carsten Braun thank you for sending a mail to the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur). The mail has been forwarded to me. The invoice that you’ve received contains the annual fees for the years 2015 and 2016 for the Frequency Assignment (Aircraft Station Licence) 19453935 for the aircraft signed D-KDVS. According to German law the Bundesnetzagentur is allowed to send out invoices for 2016 until the 31st of December 2020. It makes no difference if or when you have been the holder of the aircraft. Please note that there is no relation between the Federal Aviation Office (LBA) and the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur). The obligation to pay fees only depends on the existing of the Aircraft Station Licence, all bills are sent to the owner of the assignment. The obligation doesn't depend on the existing or the holdership of the aircraft, the existing of the Registration Mark, the usage of the radio equipment or other changes. Once an Aircraft Station Licence is issued, it is valid until it expires, until the owner asks for cancellation or until it is revoked by the Federal Network Agency. Your Aircraft Station Licence 19453935 (D-KDVS) had been cancelled on 15th of November 2017 after we have received an information that you don't need the Aircraft Station Licence any longer. We have sent out a confirmation of the cancellation by letter, a subsequent cancelation is not allowed. You'll receive an invoice for the annual fees for the year 2017 (only January to November) until the 31st of December 2021. Your invoice is still valid. For your information the international banking information: BIC: MARKDEF1590 IBAN: DE81 5900 0000 0059 0010 20 Purpose: 901190286368 Amount: 81,31 € If I need the help of foreign authorities to enforce the invoice, the amount to pay could increase. There will be also more fees for delay and reminding added to the amount. I’m sorry but there is valid law which is binding for me and you: - The wording of the Telecommunications Act says: "The frequency assignment shall expire upon relinquisment. Relinquisment is to be declared to the Federal Network Agency in writing, with the exact designation of the frequency assignment being stated". - The “Verordnung über Beiträge zum Schutz einer störungsfreien Frequenznutzung“ says that a subsequent cancelation is not allowed. - In your Frequency Assignment was also written that Frequency Assignments that are no longer used have to be returned immediately by written declaration. - There is no rule that says that a frequency assignment becomes canceled if an aircraft is sold or deregistered. - According to German law the Bundesnetzagentur is allowed to send out invoices for 2015 until the 31st of December 2019. You can look up the rules in the following laws and regulations: - Telekommunikationsgesetz (TKG): - Gesetz über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Betriebsmitteln: - Verordnung über Beiträge zum Schutz einer störungsfreien Frequenznutzung: You'll find additional information regarding to annual fees here: If you have additional questions, please let me know this. Sincerely yours In order of the president Carsten Braun Quote
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