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[Rex] Colision Planeur Et Ejection

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Éjection suite a une collision entre deux planeurs



The amazing moment a 70-year-old glider pilot had to bail out of his aircraft and parachute to safety after his wing fell off in a dramatic
mid-air collision

Two gliders crashed at 4,500ft during a competition in Cambridgeshire




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Il n'y a pas eu de morts du coup ???

De quel type de planeur s'agit-il ?



"Je vole car cela libère mon esprit de la tyrannie des choses insignifiantes", Antoine de St Exupéry

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ASN Wikibase Occurrence # 166303
Last updated: 14 January 2016
This information is added by users of ASN. Neither ASN nor the Flight Safety Foundation are responsible for the completeness or correctness of this information. If you feel this information is incomplete or incorrect, you can submit corrected information.



Date: 18-MAY-2014 Time: 01:30 p.m. Type: Schempp-Hirth Arcus Owner/operator: Private Registration: C/n / msn: Fatalities: Fatalities: 0 / Occupants: 1 Other fatalities: 0 Airplane damage: Substantial Location: Near Little Gransden airfield, Gransden Lodge, Cambridgeshire - http://aviation-safety.net/database/country/flags_15/G.gifUnited Kingdom Phase: En route Nature: Private Departure airport: Gransden Lodge Airfield, Cambridgeshire Destination airport: Gransden Lodge Airfield, Cambridgeshire Narrative:
Two gliders (a Discus glider G-CFFT and a Schmepp-Hirth Arcus) collided in mid air over Little Gransden, Cambridgeshire. One pilot (the one in the Discus) was forced to jump from the glider and land on the ground by parachute. The Arcus made an emergency landing back at Gransden Lodge. According to the BGA Accident review 2014 (see link #2):

"Mid-air collision in local thermal at 2,600 feet. Discus pilot bailed out. Arcus landed with severe damage to the tail".

1. http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/News/Gliders-crash-mid-air-forcing-pilot-to-abandon-plane-over-Little-Gransden-20140518144329.htm
2. https://old.gliding.co.uk/bgainfo/documents/accidentreview2014web.pdf
3. http://www.huntspost.co.uk/news/eyewitness_tells_of_glider_pilot_s_crash_landing_on_roof_1_3605768



Revision history:

Date/time Contributor Updates 18-May-2014 18:03 gerard57 Added 20-May-2014 04:18 Updated [Departure airport, Destination airport] 06-Feb-2015 18:46 Dr. John Smith Updated [Departure airport, Destination airport, Damage, Narrative] 11-Jun-2015 18:17 Dr. John Smith Updated [Aircraft type, Location, Source, Damage, Narrative] 11-Jun-2015 18:19 Dr. John Smith Updated [Location, Narrative] Number of views: 1688
Stéphane Vander Veken
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